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Dr. Afroza Begum
Department of Paediatric Nephrology
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1) Roy RR, Sultana N, Jesmin T, Mamun AA, Kakon KK, Akbar R, et al. 3, Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome in children: Clinicohistology and pattern of response to immunosuppressive. , Paediatr Nephrol J Bangladesh , 2023, 8, 7-2
2) Shamsun Nahar Shanta a++*, Afroza Begum a#, Syed S. Haque a†, Tahmina Jesmin a†, Abdullah-Al Mamun a‡, Shanjida Sharmim a‡, Ashiqur Rahman Khan b† and Ashraful Islam c‡., Demographic Charecterstics of Children with First Attack Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome with Relapse- A Hospital-Based Observational Study., Asian J. Pediatr. Res., 2023, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 140-145, pp. 140-145
3) Shanta SN, Begum A, Uddin GM, Roy RR, Huque SS, Jesmin T, et al. , Response pattern and risk factor of relapse in children with first attack idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. , Paediatr Nephrol J Bangladesh ., 2023, 8, 24-9
4) Nadira Sultana, Md. Rakiz Khan, Md. Arif Hossainm, Tahmina Jesmin, Abdullah Al Mamun, Syed Saimul Huque, Afroza Begum and Ranjit Roy, Assessment of Bone Mineral Density (BMD) In Children with Advanced CKD (Stage 3 To 5): Experience from Tertiary Care Center, Dhaka, Bangladesh, International Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology , 2023, 5(2), 62-67
5) Sharmim MS, Begum A, Roy RR, Uddin GM, Huque SS, Jesmin T, et al. , Clinical features and outcomes of renal disease in children with COVID-19: A single-center retrospective study. , Paediatr Nephrol J Bangladesh , 2023, 8, 55-60
6) Mst. Shanjida Sharmim1 , Golam Muin Uddin1 , Afroza Begum1 , Habibur Rahman1 ,Ranjit Ranjan Roy1 , Tahmina Shirin2 , Mohammad Rashidul Alam3 , AKM Muraduzzaman2 , Syed Saimul Huque1 , Tahmina Jesmin1 , Abdullah Al Mamun, Mutation of NPHS1, NPHS2, WT1, LAMB2, COL4A5 and other genes in children with idiopathic steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome. , Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal , 2023, 16(4), 000-000
7) Ranjit Ranjan Roy, Rummana Tazia Tonny, Romana Akbar, Nadira Sultana, Asif Ali, Ashish Kumar Ray, Shanjida Sharmim, Abdullah Al Mamun, Tahmina Jesmin, Syed Saimul Huque, Golam Muin Uddin, Afroza Begum. , Clinicopathological spectrum and response pattern of adolescent-onset idiopathic nephritic syndrome: Are they different from young children? , Paed. Neph. J. Bang, 2022, 6 (2) , 86
8) Rahman F, Sultana J, Hossain MS, Mamun A-A, Jesmin T, Rahman MH, Roy RR, Begum A, et al. , Correlation of serum phosphate with carotid intimal-medial thickness in children with chronic kidney disease. , Paediatr J Bangladesh , 2022, 7, 47-52
9) Mamun AA, Santa SM, Jesmin T, Sharmin MS, Huque SS, Roy RR, Begum A, et al. , Joubert syndrome presented as chronic kidney disease: A rare event. , Paediatr Nphrol J Bangladesh ., 2022, 7, 78-80
10) Jesmin T, Biwas R, Mamun A-A, Sharmin MS, Huque SS, Begum A, Roy RR, et al. , Acute kidney injury following rhabdomyolysis due to multiple wasp stings, Paediatr Nephrol J Bangladesh , 2022, 7, 73-7
11) Huque SS, Amaan A, Mamun AA, Jesmin T, Begum A, Roy RR, Uddin GM. , Successful Treatment of Unremitting Gastro-Intestinal Hemorrhage and Rashes of Henoch-Schönlein Purpura with Colchicine & Cryoprecipitate: A Case Report and Literature Review. , J Ped Nephrol, 2021, 9(2), 1-4.
12) Sharmin Akter Luna1, Jakia Sultana2, Abdullah Al Mamun3, Afroza Begum4, Md. Habibur Rahman5, Ranjit Ranjan Roy6, , Common Risk Factors Responsible for Acute Kidney Injury among Children: Experience at Medical University in Bangladesh, , Journal of National Institute of Neurosciences Bangladesh, 2021, Vol. 7, No. 1, , 42-46.
13) Mamun AA, Rahman MH, Jesmin T, Huque S, Begum A, Uddin GM, et al, Echocardiographic Assessment of Systolic Myocardial Dysfunction in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease, J Ped Nephrol , 2020, 8(3), 1-6.
14) Mamun AA, Rahman MH, Jesmin T, Huque S, Begum A, Uddin GM, et al, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis in Children: Experience from a Tertiary Care center of Bangladesh, J Ped Nephrol , 2020, 8(3), 1-5
15) Jesmin T, Mamun AA, Sharmin MS, Huque SS, begum A, Uddin GM, Roy RR, Rahman MH, Correlation of serum calcium, inorganic phosphate, alkaline phospjatase and parathormone with bone mineral density in children with relapsing. , Paed. Neph. J. Bang, 2020, 5(2), 79-85
16) Akter M, Muinuddin M, Rahman H, Roy RR, Begum A, Huque SS, et al. , Predictors of Relapse in Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome in Children Presenting to a Tertiary Center. , J Ped Nephrol, 2020, 8(1):, 1-6.
17) Tahmina Jesmin, Abdullah Al Mamun, Md. Azizur Rahman, Samina Masud Santa, Syed Saimul Huque, Afroza Begum, Ranjit Ranjan Roy, Md. Habibur Rahman, Golam Muin Uddin. , Bone Mineral Density in Children with Relapsing Nephrotic Syndrome: A Hospital-Based Study- , Saudi J Kidney Dis Tranpl, 2019, 30(6), 1415-1422
18) Afroza Begum, Samina Masud Santa, Abdullah Al Mamun, Tahmina Jesmin, Syed Saimul Huque, Ranjit Ranjan Roy, Renal Histopathological Profile of Bangladeshi Children in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Asian J Pediatr Nephrol , 2019, 2, 104-5
19) Chaki A, Rahman F, Arju J, Mamun AA, Jesmin T, Haque SS, et al., Rituximab in steroid resistant nephroticsyndrome ., Journal of Paed Indonesia, 2019, 59(4), 175-82 .
20) Roy RR, Arju J, Sultana J, Rahman F ,Chaki A, Akter A, et al. , Clinicopathological Spectrum and Treatment Outcome of Clinically Suspected Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis: An Analysis of 35 Cases in a Tertiary Care Center, Bangladesh. , J Ped Nephrol. , 2019, 7(3), 1-7
21) Roy RR, Rahman F, Arju J, Sultana J, Chaki A, Akter A, et al. , Histopathological Pattern of Difficult Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome in a Tertiary Care Centre, Bangladesh. , J Pediatr Nephrol. , 2019, 7(3), 1-7
22) Md. Firoz Anjum , Abdullah Al Mamun, Tahmina Jesmin, Syed Saimul Huque, Afroza Begum, Golam MuinUddin, Ranjit Ranjan Roy, Mohammed Habibur Rahman, Infections Encountered in Frequent Relapse Nephrotic Syndrome, Paed. Neph. J. Bang, 2018, 3(2) , 62-65
23) Shabnam Shahidullah, Md. Habibur Rahman, Afroza Begum, Abdullah Al Mamun, Septimica is An Unusual Presentation of Infantile Lupus Nephritis- A Case Report, Paed. Neph. J. Bang, 2018, 3 (2), 90-93
24) Sabina Sultana, Afroza Begum, IgA Nephropathy: A Review., Paed. Neph. J. Bang, 2018, 3 (1), 23-30
25) Rahman MA, Muinuddin G, Rahman MH, Roy RR, Begum A, Huque SS, Jesmin T, Mycophenolate Mofetilversus Cyclosporine in Children with Frequent Relapse Nephrotic Syndrome., J Ped Nephrology, 2018, 6(1),
26) Begum A, Anjum MF, Huq SS, Muinuddin G, Rahman MH, Roy RR, Mamun AA, Jesmin T, Bacteriologic Profile and Drug Sensitivity Pattern of Urinary Tract Infection in Children with Renal Diseases in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Journal of Emergency and Internal Medicine, 2017, 1(1),
27) Begum A, Mamun AA, Jesmin T, Rahman MA, Huq SS, Muinuddin G, Rahman MH, Roy RR, Pattern of Glomerular Disease in Bangladeshi Children: A Clinico-Pathological Study.Nephrologia Urologia, Open Access(NUO), 2017, 1(1), 7-9
28) Huq SS, Begum A, Rahman MH, Muin Uddin G, Roy RR, Mannan MA, Islam MA, Kawser CA, Spectrum of Hospital Acquired Acute Kidney Injury in Critically ill Children in A Tertiary Level Hospital, J Ped Nephrology, 2017, 5(2),
29) Jesmin T,Anjum MF, Mamun MA, Begum F, Begum A, Huq SS, Rahman MH, ROY RR, Muin Uddin G, Hanif M, Are Boys at Risk of Low Immune Response to Recombinant Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine in Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome? , J Ped Nephrology, 2017, 5(2),
30) Begum A, Muslima Akter AHM, Rahman MA, Uddin GM , Macrophage Activation Syndrome as the Initial Manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in A 7- Year –Old Girl- A Case Report, J Ped Nephrology, 2017, 5(1), 1-4
31) Mst. Shanjida Sharmim, Md. Habibur Rahman, Afroza Begum, Abdullah Al Mamun, Absent Neuropophysis may be a rare cause of Central Diabetes Insipidus in Children- A Case Report, Paed. Nephro. J. Bang, 2017, 2(2), 102
32) Amina AKter, Mst. Shanjida Sharmin, Md. Habibur Rahman, Afroza Begum, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Neuropsychiatric Manifestation May be A Fatal Condition in ANCa Positive Systemic Lupus Erythematosus- A Case Report, Paed. Nephro. J. Bang, 2017, 2(2), 97
33) Begum A, Rahman A, Akter M, Akter M, Islam A, Muinuddin G, Nephrotic Syndrome after Treatment with D-Penicillamine in a Patient with Wilson’s Disease- A Case Report, J Ped. Nephrology, 2016, 4(2), 70-73
34) Rahman MH, Anjum MF, Biswas S, Huque SS, Begum A, Bilateral Vesicoureteric Reflux may be a Rare Association in Lesh-Nyhan Syndrome:A Case Report, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2016, 40(1), 44-48
35) Qader A, Muin Uddin G, Rahman R, et al. , Renal Diseases in Children Attending Pediatric Nephrology Centers of Dhaka City. , J.Ped.Nephrology , 2016, 4(3), 86-91.
36) Paul SK, Muinuddin G, Jahan S, Begum A, Rahman MH, Hossain MM , Long versus standard initial prednisolone therapy in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2014, 23(2), 261-267
37) Muinuddin G, Begum A, Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Nephritis in Children: A Review, Bangladesh Journal of Child health, 2014, 38(1), 24-31
38) Huque SS, Rahman MH, Muinuddin G, Jahan S, Begum A, Roy RR, Hossain MM , Albumin and Furosemide versus Mannitol and Furosemide in the Treatment of Diuretic Resistant Oedema in Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2014, 38(2), 68-73
39) Begum A, Rahman MH, Hossain MM, Muinuddin G, Roy RR, Huque SS , Association of vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) in children with symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI) – in a Tertiary care hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2013, 37(2), 79-84
40) Jesmin T, Rahman MH, Muinuddin G, Begum A, Roy RR, Hossain MM, Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus is a Rare Complication of Chronic Kidney Disease- A Case Report, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2013, 37(1), 41-44
41) Rahman MH, Jesmin T, Begum A, Muinuddin G, A Newer Approach to the Management of Membrano Prolifereative Glomerulonephritis – Experience from A Tertiary Level Hospital, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2013, 37(3), 170-174
42) Roy RR, Quader MA, Matin A, Islam MR, Begum A, Essential Hypertension in Ten & Half Years Old Boy: A Case Report, J Shaheed Suhrawardy Med Coll, 2013, 5(1), 69-71
43) Rahman H, Begum A, Roy RR, Siddique R, Alam K, Haque S, Jahan S, Uddin GM, Hossain MM, Lupus Nephritis in a 2.5 Years old girl – An uncommon Presentation, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and surgeons, 2010, 28(01), 59-61
44) Begum A, Rahman H, Hossain MM, Sultana S, Jahan S, Muinuddin G, Histological Variant of Nephrotic Syndrome with Atypical Presentation in Children, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2009, 18(1), 42-46
45) Rahman H, Jahan S, Begum A, Uddin G, Hossain MM, Use of Recombinant Human Erythropoeitin in Renal Anaemia in Children, BSMMU Journal, 2009, 2(01), 50-53
46) Rahman H, Begum A, Jahan S, Muinuddin G, Hossain MM , Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome, an Uncommon Presentation of Cytomegalovirus Infection, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2008, 17(2), 210-213
47) Muinuddin G, Paul SK, Rahman MH, Jahan S, Begum A, Salam MA, Hossain MM, A Case of Renal Transplantation, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2008, 17(2), 214-216
48) Muinuddin G, Rahman H, Hossain MM, Jahan S, Begum A , Urinary Tract Infection and Vesicoureteric Reflux in Children, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2008, 17(2), 28-31
49) Rahman H, Begum A, Jamal CY, Jahan S, Muinuddin G, Hossain MM , Alport’s Syndrome: An Uncommon Presentation of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children, A Case Report, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2007, 31(1/2/3), 33-36
50) Jahan S, Islam MS, Alam AKMK, Begum A, Hossain MM, Islam S, Amanullah ATM,Islam MN, Imagings of Urinary System to Find Anomalies in Children Having Urinry Infection, Bangladesh Joural of Urology, 2006, 9(01), 12-14
51) Islam KA, Begum A, Rahman H, Hossain MM, Muatababbi M , Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) An Uncommon Presentation Following Wasp Sting, Journal of Comilla Medical College Teachers Association, 2006, 8(02), 13-14
52) Sultana S, Rahman H, Hossain MM, Muinuddin G, Begum A, Roy RA, Islam A, Mollah MH , Comparison Between Radiological Examination And Bone Scan for Identification of Renal Osteodystrphy in Children, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2005, 29 (01), 12-17
53) Muinuddin G,Rahman H,Begum A, Hossain MM , Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome: Rational of Management, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, 2004, 22(2), 57-66
54) Sultana S, Selimuzzaman, Begum A, Hanif M, Urinary tract Infection in Nephrotic Syndrome, Bangladesh Renal journal, 2004, 23(02), 52-55
55) Sultana S, Rahman H, Muinuddin G, Begum A, Roy RA, Mollah MH, Hossain MM, Renal Osteodystrophy in Children- A Hospital Based Study, Bangladesh Renal Journal, 2004, 23(01), 5-9
56) Banu H, Chowdhury TA, Begum A, Association of Hyperuricaemia In Preeclampsia and Preexisting Hypertension of Pregnancy With Perinatal Death and other Adverse Outcome, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2004, 28(02), 45-50
57) Hussain MZ, Begum A, Ishrat S , Trace Elements: An Overview, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2003, 27(01), 14-25
58) Karim A, Rahman H, Begum A , Risk Factors for Relapse in Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2003, 26(3/4), 61-63
59) Hussain MZ, Afroza A, Begum A, Serum Magnesium Levels in Malnourished Children, Bangladesh Journal of Medicine, 2003, 14(01), 6-11
60) Hussain MZ, Rahman SA, Afroza A, Begum A, Ishrat S, Karim A, Akter S, Banu S,Islam MN , Serum Zinc Level in Malnourished Children, Bangladesh Journal of Child Health , 2003, 27(3/4), 85-90
61) Sultana S, Begum A, Rahman H., Nephrotic Syndrome an Uncommon presentation of Polycystic Kidney Disease- A case Report. , Bangladesh Private Medical Practitioner’s journal, 2002, 7(02), 79-80
62) Begum A, Karim A, Begum N, Aetiology of Neonatal Septicaemia, Bangladesh Private Medical Practitioner’s Journal, 2002, 8(2), 39-43
63) Sultana S, Begum A, Rahman H , ANA Negative SLE- A case Report, Dhaka Shishu Hospital Journal, 2002, 18(02), 63-64
64) Begum N, Masum MA, Begum A, Visceral Leishmaniasis Among the Suspected Febrile Patients, Bangladesh Journal of Medicine, 2002, 13(01), 21-25